Our Little House

Friday, July 21, 2006

July 21st, 2006

We had two mismatched overhead lights. Mitch the Electrician matched them for us. Since this is the lower level of the house, all that is important is that they match.

Two new sconce lights in the bathroom. The four lights came buried in a huge box filled with 100,000 styrofoam peanuts.

Mitch also sorted out the tangle of wiring under the sink. The light switch will be the switch to the trash compactor.

The funny part. We expected the electrician in the morning and the delivery of a refrigerator in the afternoon. However, Lowe's didn't show up with a refrigerator; rather, we got a washer and dryer. But since we had paid for it, we said, "go ahead and install them."

This is the empty space left by the washer and dryer. They actually had to remove the door from the basement to get them out.

And there they are, and they work. If we get a hankerin' to do laundry at the house, we'll let you know.


  • Considering you actually plan on living there one would hope you would do at least a load of laundry every now and then.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:24 AM  

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