Our Little House

Friday, June 30, 2006

June 30th 2006

This is the bathroom before we removed all of those ugly checkerboard tiles.

It's amazing what you can do with a hammer and a crowbar. Or, in this case, it's amazing what my sister-in-law Judy can do.

Now we're getting somewhere in the bathroom.

Be sure you wear your protective goggles.

Mitch the Electrician!

If you tilt your head to the side, this is the remnants of the bathroom. Or, just tilt the screen to the side with a hammer and crowbar.

An escape hatch behind the commode! But where does that mysterious pipe lead?

This wasn't actually work on the house; it's merely the result of our drunken party beforehand.

Another lean-to-the-side pic. The passage from the kitchen to the dining room just...uh...got bigger. (I'll tell you about how Judy destroyed the neighbor's mailbox in another entry.)

Yes. Very nice now.

And getting rid of that ugly-ass tile.


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